Saturday, October 22, 2011

Paranormal Activity 3

"Like its predecessors, the movie is more clever than good, and if you feel as if you're being manipulated by the filmmakers, it's because you are. That's the fun of these movies, something you know going in. The point is to manipulate you in the scariest way possible, and 'Paranormal Activity 3' does a good job of that." — Bill Goodykoontz, Arizona Republic

I agree with this completely. I've never been scared of a movie in a long time. The creepy crown goes to The Ring but everything after that didn't really appeal to me. I seen the first and it was pretty decent. Never saw the second but went to the theater to see this one and had a mind fuck! Especially at the end. Instant classic for me. There was some eye candy though. I'm not into white women there's only that few that gets me going but I couldn't help but notice that their mom has a nice ass

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